The 7th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR7) 105.8.30-9.2 @Hawaii 104.4.25 亞洲土木工程聯盟 Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council 於1999年正式成立, 目前有包含 CICHE, JSCE, KSCE, PICE, ASCE 等12個成員國。ACECC 每三年舉辦一次 Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR), 為亞洲土木界的盛事, CECAR7 將於明年 August 30 ~ Sept. 2, 2016 在夏威夷舉辦。
目前開始徵求論文, 以往本學會都會有20篇以上論文參加研討, 本次研討會主題有:
- Applications of information technology in civil engineering
- Building Information Management
- Civil engineering materials
- Climate changes
- Construction management
- Disaster planning and mitigation
- Education and professional training
- Flood management
- Foundations
- Geohazards
- Ground improvement and soil stabilization
- Hazardous and municipal waste management
- High speed rail
- High tech civil engineering facilities
- Human interactions in civil engineering projects
- Infrastructure asset management
- Innovative water treatment
- Planning and implementation of mega projects
- Professional ethics
- Public transportation in urban area
- Remediation of contaminated land and groundwater
- River training and restoration
- Stormwater and wastewater management
- Structural analysis and design
- Sustainable designs of civil engineering projects
- Traffic management
- Transportation planning
- Use of recycled materials
- Water resources management
- Wetland management and restoration
投遞摘要時間:105年10月23日 (250 and 400 words in English)
CECAR7 相關消息會持續向各位會員報告, 謝謝!
電話:(02) 2392-6325
傳真:(02) 2396-4260
電子郵件:[email protected]